Nancy Fetzer's Grades K-1 Writing Curriculum
Use Nancy Fetzer’s K-1 Writing Curriculum manual and her free online videos to train yourself.
These online videos are packed with research-based, highly engaging lessons, tools, and techniques to ensure ALL students, whether Second Language Learners, Special Education, and General Education reach high-levels of written language skills.
Utilize the plan, talk and write format that systematically and specifically instructs students through the writing process.
During these lessons, students develop academic language through systematic writing instruction to plan, revise, and edit their writing. This instructional model has a specific design: The teacher begins with step-by-step, explicit instruction that creates a routine of learning. Students then practice the strategy with immediate and corrective feedback from the teacher. After many lessons, the teacher then slowly releases students to the partner level, and finally independent writing.
Implement emergent writing strategies and deliver the metacognitive skills necessary for students to segment and write unknown words, as well as to write sight words.
Once these skills are mastered students then learn the explicit steps to write complete cohesive and coherent sentences, and finally powerful paragraphs.
Increase academic oral language skills with highly engaging pre-reading techniques!
Word Masters is a fast-paced activity that introduces robust vocabulary, while Movie Scripts bridges the vocabulary words to academic oral language using a movie script twist. Another pre-reading activity is Lecture Notes. Unique interactive Lecture Notes construct narrative and expository text structure elements and sophisticated oral language practice to frontload students with background knowledge to access the language arts, science or social studies core curriculum.